Study on noise transmission

Noise pollution is an issue that requires not only a good knowledge of materials, but also a thorough study on sound transmission.

The best solution against noise pollution and good soundproofing should not be left entirely to the materials but sought in the study of their applications, and therefore never unnecessarily expensive and distracting.
Not always this happens, often a material is put in place, without a study on the transmission of noise or a final verification. This means having costs without knowing what benefits are obtained.
Very often happens that between sales department and technical department  there is a discrepancy of know-how regarding the management of the whole process of a product line and its applications; few involved in the purchasing office will takes responsability to modify the application of the products they commercialize expecially if more expensive, they will just offer the cheapest material. The sales office should not only draw up budgets and take care of the offering phase, and of managing relationships with suppliers; but it should acquire from the technical office those information / know-how such as provide assistance and advice to clients with on-site inspection and survey / measurements at the customer's premises.

Really effective solutions to acoustic problems can only be obtained by direct measurement of the acoustic parameters of the environments in question with a feasibility study; in this way we do not work with theoretical simulations on simplified models of reality, but on reality itself, eliminating errors and uncertainties and identifying the crux of the problem. The main instrument for measuring noise is the complementary sound level meter, equipped with octave / third octave filters. This tool allows in real time to check the different Lps, level pression sound, before and after the application. .

The evolution of regulations, as well as a growing demand for quality in the building industry also by the private user and combined with the commitment of the industry to develop increasingly technologically advanced systems, have meant that today a proper design can no longer be apart from the "Acoustic project.

For acoustic Design we mean:

Framework Law 447 of 26.10.1995 and DPCM 5.12.1997 "Passive acoustic requirements for buildings”

  • Data acquisition and information concerning the architecture of spaces and their intended use
  • Acoustic characterization of spaces
  • Identification of the acoustic ideal comfort for the specific use
  • Indication of the quantity and arrangement of the acoustic material needed
  • Identification of the most suitable products on the market according to the project requirements and price range
  • Support for creating ad hoc products
  • Detection of acoustic parameters with related report and / or certification

  • Testing is of fundamental importance:

  • Identification of any critical issues and related resolutions
  • Detection of acoustic parameters with relative relation and / or certification according to the limits established by the current legislation.
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